

Control for a cold storage system for transport containers

Stainless steel switch cabinet for controlling two lift positioning drives in the food industry.

The lift positioning drives are controlled using intelligent SEW inverters with technology function and a Siemens CPU. The system is operated via a touch panel.

VA stainless steel manual control panel for shelf storage in the food industry. The VA stainless steel housing is a custom-built product, which is precisely adapted to the system.

Control for a test bench

A Siemens S7-1500 F-CPU in combination with the ET200SP has been used to control the machine.

It can be operated using a 9 inch touch screen panel. This is integrated in a separate control panel.

Bedienpanel Anlagensteuerung
Schaltschrank Steuerung

Control for precision press for fabric discs

The positioning is carried out here via servo valves with Bosch control modules and SEW servo motors with position converter. A TP700 is used for recipe management and communication. The safety PLC was chosen from the S7-1500SP series.

Steuerung von Anlagen
Anlagensteuerung Automatisierung Schaltschrank

Control for automatic sawing and splitting machines with S7-1200

The system control of the automatic sawing and splitting machines is performed by an S7-1200 CPU. Together with a 4.3 inch operating unit by Wachendorff, it is easy to control the system. Because these systems are often manufactured in a mobile version, a radio remote maintenance system complements the control system.

Sondermaschinenbau Anlagen
Projekte Steuerungen Automatisierung Elektrik

Control for mobile use

An IQAN mobile control by Parker is used here, which has been specially developed for mobile hydraulics.

Projekte mit Steuerungsanlagen und Schaltschränken
Individuelle Anlagen und Maschinensteuerungen

System control for a spinning machine

A spinning machine is used for processing the internal diameter of pre-drilled cylinder tubes.

SEW frequency converters with technology function, which are controlled with an F-1500CPU from Siemens, are used to execute this processing. The interface between man and machine is provided by a TP1900.

All states and settings of the machine can be seen via the touch panel.

Projekte Steuerungen Automatisierung
Projekt Steuerungen Automatisierung